
Italian Special Cooking Class

Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00. ONLY

Italy, for that matter, has gifted world best of the dishes rich with everything. Enjoying Italian food in Italian style, in fact, is a memorable experience. Join the Class, go ahead and enjoy the ride of Italy!!! All Italian Dishes taught in this class are Vegetarian of course!


What YOU will Learn?

Important Basics of Italian Cuisine  – Italian Pastes, Italian Gravy, Italian Sauces, Cheese Pineapple Salad, Risotto With Dumplings, Almond Potato Coins, Pasta With Green Pesto, Lasagne, Corn And Potato Pie, and Veg Pasta…

How YOU will Learn?

Demonstration by Gravy Master, followed by DO IT YOURSELF Approach. Yaneki Learning by Doing! Printed notes provided.

Maximum 6 students in a Batch to provide Personal Attention. Duration: 3 Hours!

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